Proposed mixed-use infill district Sarasota County, fl



Sarasota County’s Planned Mixed Use Infill District, led by Jason King with the Dover, Kohl & Partners Team, was crafted to encourage sustainable, mixed-use neighborhoods for the county’s aging commercial corridors. Redevelopment plans under this code are designed to exhibit traditional neighborhood development characteristics, including: a highly interconnected street network dispersing traffic and providing convenient routes for pedestrians and bicyclists; high-quality public spaces, with all building façades featuring windows and doors facing tree-lined streets, plazas, squares, or neighborhood parks; compact development to create a walkable urban environment while conserving land and energy; diversity, not homogeneity, with a variety of building and street types, open spaces, and land uses; and resilient and sustainable neighborhoods adaptable over time to improved public transit and changing economic conditions. The Planned Mixed-Use Infill District was developed in collaboration with Spikowski Planning Associates and Hall Planning & Engineering.

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